Annual Performance Report 2017/18

Our latest performance report to residents is here!

This year, our residents have decided on the content and look of our annual performance report.

We conducted a survey, to which we had over 180 responses, and we held a small focus group of residents who decided what we should be reporting, how we should report it and what we were reporting should look like.

Our residents also picked the name – “it’s about Accent’s performance” – they said, “so it should be called a performance report.”

So here it is!

We have also produced three summary reports for our northern, southern and eastern regions, containing the news and local updates you also wanted to see.

Our 2017-18 Performance Reports to Residents

Performance Report 2018 - North

A summary performance report for our northern region, containing news and local updates.

Performance Report 2018 - East

A summary performance report for our eastern region, containing news and local updates.

Performance Report 2018 - South

A summary performance report for our southern region, containing news and local updates.

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